H.E. Ambassador Tsegab Kebebew conferred with some members of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce interested in engaging in business with Ethiopian counterparts. The discussion was led by Mr. KÀROLY KOVÀS, Chairperson of the African Committee of the Chamber, who expressed the desire of the Hungarian business community in strengthening economic ties between the two countries.

During the discussion, Ambassador Tsegab elaborated on the five priority areas of the Ethiopian government, i.e., agriculture, manufacturing, mining, tourism, and IT sectors that are available for investment.

He also urged the Chamber to redouble efforts in fostering the business links between Ethiopia and Hungary and to encourage Hungarian investors to visit Ethiopia and engage in these sectors.

The companies that were present included those from IT, agriculture, water management, etc, and expressed readiness to forge relations or to continue existing partnerships. The Chairman of the African Committe of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, on his part, thanked the Ambassador for the briefing and said that the Hungarian companies present will provide further information on the way forward to continuing business relations.

The two sides also stressed the importance of enhancing Chamber to Chamber relations and exchange of visits by business delegations and supporting existing cooperation between Ethiopia and Hungary.

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