Yesterday, June 19, 2024, Elena Goubar, a Russian-born visual artist and painting instructor who has been permanently residing in Switzerland since 2002, donated eighteen paintings to the Permanent Mission.

In April 2023, Elena Goubar participated in the global fundraising event for the Jimma City Hospital, which was arranged by the Gostar Fund, a Swiss-based non-governmental organisation. During this time, she painted thirty (30) canvases, sold some and donated the proceeds to the Gostar Fund. She brought the remaining paintings to the Permanent Mission to be used as deemed appropriate.

His Excellency Ambassador Tsegab Kebebew received the paintings from Elena Goubar and conveyed his sincere appreciation for her charitable activities in Ethiopia, the love for the Ethiopian people as expressed in the portraits and the kind donation of her artworks to the Mission.

Disclaimer: The official text of the Embassy Website is the English language version. Any discrepancies or differences created in translations are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.
