H.E. Ambassador Tsegab Kebebew presided over the UNDRR Support Group meeting today, September 16, 2024 in Geneva: emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies globally.

The meeting brought together UNDRR and member states to discuss critical initiatives aimed at bolstering resilience against disasters.

Ambassador Tsegab outlined Ethiopia’s three priorities during its chairmanship of the UNDRR Support Group. In this connection, he underscored the first priority to be the importance of promoting the accelerated implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the recommendations stemming from its Midterm Review. He highlighted the second priority as the necessity of enhancing access to early warning information, advocating for further support for the Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative. Finally, the Ambassador called for the strengthening and mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction in local government planning processes, as well as the empowerment of local communities.

The meeting also featured remarks from Mr. Kamal Kishore, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction (SRSG), who reaffirmed the UN’s commitment to supporting nations in their DRR efforts.

Presentations were made on the upcoming 8th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, scheduled to take place in Switzerland in June 2025; on the preparations for the 2024 DRR regional platforms, which will be held in the Philippines, Namibia, and Montenegro; as well as on the upcoming International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) and World Tsunami Awareness Day 2024, encouraging all stakeholders to engage in awareness-raising activities.

The meeting concluded with a renewed commitment from participants to prioritize disaster risk reduction in their respective agenda, ensuring that the global community remains vigilant and prepared in the face of increasing environmental challenges.

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