H.E. Amb. Tsegab Kebebew conferred with Mr. Patrick Youssef, Regional Director for Africa at the ICRC today at the Permanent Mission of Ethiopia.

During the discussion, Amb. Tsegab appreciated ICRC’s work, and its continued humanitarian assistance to the people affected by conflict and climate-induced disasters in Ethiopia. He highlighted the close cooperation between the Government and the Ethiopian Red Cross Society to address the various challenges. He stressed the efforts made by the government to create conducive environment for humanitarian workers and government’s commitment to promote International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

Mr. Partick Youssef commended the close cooperation between ICRC and the government on achieving tremendous progress on different spheres. He acknowledged the commitment and coordination in the Ethiopian government system and indicated their interest to take the Donors Support Group to Ethiopia to showcase the collaboration between ICRC and Ethiopia.

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