WTO and Other

World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization (WTO), established in 1995 as the successor to GATT, plays a crucial role in global trade by administering trade agreements, providing a forum for negotiations, settling disputes, and monitoring national trade policies. With 166 member countries, the WTO aims to promote free and fair trade worldwide, contributing to economic stability and growth.

Ethiopia, not yet a WTO member, has been pursuing membership for over two decades, recognizing the importance of integrating its economy into the global market. Since its formal application in 2003, Ethiopia has made progress in aligning its trade policies with WTO standards.

The Permanent Mission of Ethiopia plays a role in advancing the country’s WTO accession process. It represents the interests of Ethiopia, prepares technical documents, advice, briefings, and participates in Working Party meetings. Additionally, the mission facilitates capacity-building initiatives and technical assistance programs offered by the WTO, helping to strengthen Ethiopia’s institutional and regulatory frameworks, develop trade policies, and enhance understanding of WTO agreements. Currently, Ethiopia is renewing its focus on finalizing the accession process.

Website: – https://www.wto.org/

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Established in 1966, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized UN agency focused on promoting industrial development to reduce poverty, foster inclusive globalization, and ensure environmental sustainability.

UNIDO supports developing countries and transitioning economies by enhancing productivity, fostering innovation, improving competitiveness, and promoting efficient resource use. Through technical assistance, policy advice, and capacity-building, UNIDO helps countries to develop resilient industrial sectors that contribute to economic growth, job creation, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNIDO is based in Vienna and has a field office in Addis Ababa.

The Permanent Mission of Ethiopia in Geneva is responsible for handling UNIDO issues in consultation with relevant institutions in the capital. The mission engages in policy discussions, negotiations, and decision-making processes.

The Mission participates in various UNIDO forums. Additionally, the Permanent Mission facilitates collaboration between UNIDO and the capital, ensuring access to technical assistance, capacity-building initiatives, and project funding that supports national industrialization efforts.

Website: – https://www.unido.org/

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), established in 1964, is a permanent UN body dedicated to promoting the integration of developing countries into the global economy. UNCTAD supports countries in navigating international trade, finance, and investment complexities, aiming for inclusive and sustainable development.

Through economic research, policy analysis, and technical assistance, UNCTAD addresses key issues like trade policy, investment, technology transfer, debt management, and entrepreneurship, helping countries build the capacity to benefit from global trade while mitigating the challenges of globalization.

The Permanent Mission of Ethiopia in Geneva is responsible for managing UNCTAD-related issues in coordination with relevant institutions in the capital. The mission engages in policy discussions, negotiations, and decision-making processes within UNCTAD. It also facilitates collaboration between UNCTAD and Ethiopian institutions, ensuring that the country benefits from technical assistance, capacity-building programs, and other resources provided by UNCTAD.

Website: – https://unctad.org/

The International Trade Centre (ITC)

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is a joint agency of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations (UN), established in 1964 to support the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The organization offers a wide range of services, including market analysis, capacity building, and trade-related technical assistance, and operates through a demand-driven approach, working closely with governments, business associations, and trade support institutions to design and implement trade development strategies that align with national priorities.

The Permanent Mission of Ethiopia engages in the development and implementation of ITC’s programs and strategies. The mission collaborates with ITC to ensure that its initiatives align with our national trade priorities and the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Mission participates in governance meetings, provides input on ITC’s projects, and facilitates partnerships between ITC and local trade institutions. Additionally, the Permanent Mission works to secure technical assistance and capacity-building support from ITC, helping SMEs gain access to global markets, improve competitiveness, and adhere to international trade standards.

Website: – https://intracen.org/

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