The major components of the GERD project
The major components of the project: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissances Dam is being constructed for the purpose of generating electricity with total installed capacity of average annual energy production of…
Embassy of Ethiopia
The major components of the project: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissances Dam is being constructed for the purpose of generating electricity with total installed capacity of average annual energy production of…
H.E. Ambassador Tsegab Kebebew conferred with some members of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce interested in engaging in business with Ethiopian counterparts. The discussion was led by Mr. KÀROLY KOVÀS,…
His Excellency Ambassador Tsegab Kebebew presented a copy of his credentials as a Non – Resident Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Her Excellency Ms. Anett VARGA,…
‘ጽዱ ኢትዮጵያን’ በተመለከተ የዲጂታል ቴሌቶን በሚያዝያ 20 2024 በአዲስ አበባ ተጀምሯል። ሁሉም ሰው ያገባኛል በሚል በንግድ ባንክ በተከፈተው ሂሳብ ቁጥር *1000623230248* የ“ጽዱ ጎዳና – ኑሮ በጤና” ንቅናቄን እንዲቀላቀል ጥሪያችንን እናቀርባለን።…
ክቡራን ተገልጋዮቻችን በቋሚ መልእክተኛ ጽ/ቤት ሲሰጥ የነበረዉ አብዛኛዉ የቆንስላ አገልግሎት በኦንላይን መሰጠት የተጀመረ በመሆኑ አገልግሎት ፈላጊዎች ባሉበት ቦታና አመቺ በሆነ ጊዜ አገልግሎቱን ማግኘት መጀመሩ ይታወቃል። ሆኖም በኦንላይን የማይሰጡ የቆንስላ አገልግሎቶችን…
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