Ethiopia was announced as the incoming chair of the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Support Group at a meeting held on 24 June 2024 in Geneva. The announcement was made by H.E. Ambassador Vincenzo Grassi, Permanent Representative of Italy, the outgoing chair who had led the Support Group for the past one year.

In his acceptance remarks, H.E. Ambassador Tsegab, thanked the outgoing chair for his hard work and dedication in leading this important platform. He further appreciated Mr. Kamal Kishore, Assistant Secretary-General and newly appointed Special Representative of the Secretary General for DRR for his visit to Ethiopia within one month of assuming office. He thanked the UNDRR for their trust and invitation to Ethiopia to lead Support Group.

H.E. Amb. Tsegab also reaffirmed Ethiopia`s commitment to implementing the Sendai Framework Agreement for DRR (2015-2030), recognizing the critical importance of reducing disaster risk and building resilience in the face of increasing natural hazards.

Ethiopia will chair the Support Group for one year.

The UNDRR Support Group was founded in 2002 with three basic purposes which include promoting the disaster risk reduction agenda; support the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030); and encourage the increased engagement of Member States in disaster risk reduction and in the work of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

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