Currencies allowed to open a Diaspora account
Eligibility Criteria
- Ethiopians living abroad
- Non-resident foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin
- Ethiopian nationals living and working abroad or in due process of living abroad for work for more than one year and who can produce authenticated documents.
Opening Account
- Ethiopian nationals/foreigners of Ethiopian origin residing abroad can open the account in person.
- Applicants who cannot physically appear to open the account in domestic banks can use Ethiopian Embassies.
- Opening a foreign currency account by Power of Attorney holders is not allowed.
- However, Power of Attorney holders are allowed to operate these accounts, provided that the Power of Attorney explicitly empowers them to operate these accounts.
Required Documents
- Application forms properly filled and signed by the applicant.
- For Ethiopians or foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin valid passport and/or Ethiopian origin identification card and/or Resident identification card where they are living.
Minimum foreign currency cash requirement to open Diaspora accounts?
- For an individual USD 100 or its equivalent
- For fixed time deposit USD 5,000 or its equivalent
For additional details, please give us a call at (+41 22 919 70 10/12).
For in person visit:
Our Permanent Mission address :
- Federal Democratic Republic to the United Nations at Geneva and other International Organization in Switzerland.
- Ru de Moillebeau 56 (P.O.Box 338) 1211 Geneva 19